Moving your body

Moving your body

Hello Guys, hope you are doing well! Today, I found myself stuck thinking about what to write next. Consumed by this thought and perhaps the cold weather, I spent the entire day indoors, mostly sitting or lying down. By the end of the day, an idea came to my mind – why not write about “Moving Your Body”?

2 workday sitting in a chair

In today’s world, many of us spend our entire workday sitting in a chair, glued to a computer or mobile screen. We are all running the race of life, but not necessarily in a healthy way. This is what got me thinking about the importance of bringing movement into our lives and Moving Our Bodies. Another reason for writing this topic is my medical report. Recently, in my regular check-up, the cholesterol level in my blood was found to be increased, due to which the doctor also advised me to walk daily and do some basic exercises. So, let’s dive into the world of physical activity and gain some insight. ​


Importance of moving your body:

Of course, let’s understand in simple terms the importance of moving your body for a healthy lifestyle.

Our emotions and moods are deeply linked to how our body is functioning, even if we don’t always realize it. If our body signals that we are not moving enough or not being strong, this can lead to feelings of sadness, anxiety, or insecurity. On the other hand, when we move and build strength, our body sends positive signals to our brain, making us feel happier, more confident, and more positive.

Importance of moving your body 2

In a broader sense, as a society, we often talk about the importance of being active, without considering why it is important for our health and well-being. Many of us sit for long periods of time, whether at work or school, and this lack of activity takes a toll on our health over time.

As we enter the cooler months and recover from the holiday season, it’s the ideal time to set new fitness goals. The good news is that you don’t have to commit to an intense workout. Just 30 minutes of moderate activity a day can make a significant difference. If this seems like too much, you can spread it out throughout the day.


Importance of moving your body: 3

The Joyful Journey to Health:

Let’s change our mindset from viewing daily exercise as a big commitment with strict requirements. Moving your body doesn’t have to be vigorous; It should match your fitness level. Daily activity benefits your entire body, from your brain to your joints. It’s not just about intense, sweat-inducing activities.

Importance of moving your body:

Being healthy is more than just being physically fit; This also includes mental and emotional well-being. A healthy lifestyle, including regular activity, helps prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses. Taking care of your health contributes to a positive self-image and self-esteem. So, let’s embrace the importance of moving our bodies daily for an all-round healthy and happy life.

Benefits of Movement:

Benefits of Movement:

Here are some of the benefits of moving your body every day:

Releases Endorphins and helps Relieve Stress

Releases Endorphins and helps Relieve Stress

Have you ever heard of ENDORPHINS? They’re like your body’s own superhero hormones. These little miracles are natural pain relievers and mood boosters, often referred to as “feel-good” brain chemicals. Now, here’s the great thing – you don’t need any fancy drugs to get high on these. Simply by moving your body more, you can release these wonderful endorphins.

Releases Endorphins and helps Relieve Stress

Imagine them as little mood-boosting messengers in your brain. When you move – whether it’s dancing, jogging, or any activity that gets your body active – these endorphins start to work their magic. They help you overcome stress and bring good emotions, making you feel happy and wonderful.

Releases Endorphins and helps Relieve Stress

Additionally, when we exercise, our body releases more happiness hormones. These feel-good chemicals include Serotonin, which is like the hero of happiness, Norepinephrine, which helps wake up our brain and fights depression and chronic pain, and Dopamine, the motivation molecule that shoots up when we feel depressed. Maybe a little less. So, think of exercise, walking, and any kind of body movement as a pleasure party for your brain, releasing these wonderful chemicals that make you feel good and ready to tackle a sad day!

Releases Endorphins and helps Relieve Stress

So, the next time you feel a little sad or stressed, remember, that your body has this amazing built-in system for lifting your spirits – it’s all about letting those hormones loose through movement. No pills, no prescriptions – just your body, a little activity, and the natural pleasure of these magical hormones doing their thing. Always remember this mantra, “Keep Moving, Stay Happy”!

Upgrade your Cardiovascular System and Boost your Energy

Upgrade your Cardiovascular System and Boost your Energy

Staying active does wonders for your heart! It’s like a superhero workout that boosts your heart’s health, making it stronger and more elastic. Imagine it as powering your heart veins – they become larger, stronger, and highly flexible.

Now, why does this matter? Well, it means your heart can pump more blood with each beat, sending extra oxygen to your muscles. What else? This extra oxygen is like fuel for your body, providing you with energy throughout the day.

Upgrade your Cardiovascular System and Boost your Energy

But that’s not all – when your heart is in top shape, you’ll find that you can tackle your daily tasks with ease. You will not feel tired or exhausted by the end of the day. Plus, you’ll have the confidence and energy to say yes to hanging out with friends and family. It’s like a boost to your daily positivity – keeping your mindset bright and sunny.

So, let’s go ahead, cheer up those heartstrings, and spread a wave of energy that will brighten your day!


Reducing Bad Cholesterol with body movement

Well, If we are talking about a healthy strong cardiovascular system then how can we forget bad cholesterol? Let’s talk about keeping the superhero team of our hearts strong, and that means dealing with the notoriously bad cholesterol. Regular exercise, brisk walks, and keeping your body moving play an important role in keeping those bad guys, also known as bad cholesterol, under control.

Reducing Bad Cholesterol with body movement

Here’s how it works: When we exercise or do any other physical movement, our body goes into action mode. This activity helps flush out ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL) present in our blood and blood vessel walls. It’s like sending them packing in the liver. Now, the liver has two options – either use that LDL or flush it out of our system. Therefore, the more we move, the less likely it is for ‘bad’ cholesterol to clog our arteries.

So, by staying active, we are not only flushing out that bad cholesterol, but we are also ensuring that our heart remains in top shape, ready to endure whatever comes. It’s time to move forward and keep your heart strong!

Reduce Stress and Improve Sleep Patterns

Reduce Stress and Improve Sleep Patterns

Let’s talk about the amazing ways consistent body movement can become your stress-busting superhero and sleep’s best friend! When life gets stressful, and Cortisol (stress hormone) is doing its thing, exercise/walk or do some other body movement like a cool superhero to control stress levels.

Reduce Stress and Improve Sleep Patterns

Here’s the magic: Regular activity, like exercise or just being active, can make you feel less stressed. Stress often disrupts our sleep, leading to problems like insomnia or restless nights. but guess what? Body movement releases cortisol, a stress reliever that not only calms your mind but also gives it something positive to focus on when things get tough.

Reduce Stress and Improve Sleep Patterns

But that’s not all – the goodness doesn’t stop with stress relief. Exercise also releases feel-good hormones, which improve your mood and help you avoid those depressing moments. Now let’s talk about the sleeping part. Getting a good night’s sleep is like charging your superpowers for the next day.

Reduce Stress and Improve Sleep Patterns

Here’s a tip: Being active during the day, especially in the morning or afternoon, helps reset your body’s sleep-wake cycle. It’s like your body telling you, “Hey, it’s time to relax and get ready for a good night’s sleep.”

So, remember, to have a great day, make sure you’re catching enough Zzzs. And if you’re looking for better sleep, adding a little exercise to your day could be the secret ingredient. Sweet dreams and exciting days await you!

Reducing Bad Cholesterol with body movement

Control and Improve your Blood Pressure

So far, we’ve talked about a healthy heart, cholesterol management, reducing stress, and getting good sleep. Now, let’s shed light on blood pressure as it is closely related to all this. A study has found that nowadays youth are facing the problem of blood pressure right at the beginning of life. Criminal? Always staying glued to mobile and computer screens and avoiding outdoor physical sports and activities.

Control and Improve your Blood Pressure

Dive into the amazing world of how moving your body is like giving your brain and muscles a VIP pass to stay young and super sharp! And these brain muscles and nerves of yours have a direct connection with blood pressure.

When you walk, you are not only giving your muscles a workout, but you are also giving your brain a rejuvenating session. Imagine it like a secret potion that increases blood flow, creates new pathways in your brain, and promotes growth – all things that protect your brain from many diseases, keep you young, and better equipped to face challenges. Keeps ready for.

Control and Improve your Blood Pressure

Now, let’s talk about those incredible red blood cells. They are like little superheroes that deliver oxygen to all corners of your body. Moving your body speeds up red blood cell production, ensuring that more oxygen reaches your muscles and cells. As a bonus, the extra red blood cells bring more plasma, helping keep all the new blood pumping smoothly. And protects the body from any blood-related disease.

So, by staying active, you’re not only doing your muscles a favor, but you’re throwing a fabulous party for your brain, blood, and heart – a recipe for a younger, more vibrant you! Keep moving and keep that body thriving! And stay away from fatal diseases like Hypertension or low blood pressure.

Enhances Memory and Sharpens Thinking Ability

Enhances Memory and Sharpens Thinking Ability

Think of physical activity as a superhero for your brain! It does a good job where it helps our nervous system shift from “fight or flight” mode to a more relaxed and collected state – like switching from super alert to feeling calm and collected.

Enhances Memory and Sharpens Thinking Ability

Now, here’s the brain part: As we talked about above when you move, your body releases endorphins. These little ones not only make you feel good but also give your brain a boost. Imagine it as a cerebral workout that improves concentration and sharpens your thinking skills. It’s like turning on turbo mode for your brain!

Enhances Memory and Sharpens Thinking Ability

But wait, there’s more! Physical activity doesn’t stop here. It has the amazing power to stimulate the growth of new brain cells and keep your neurons (brain messengers) healthy. It’s like giving your brain a spa day by improving the supply of oxygen and nutrients.

Enhances Memory and Sharpens Thinking Ability

And here’s a fun fact: Staying active can also be a superhero in preventing age-related memory decline. So, whether you’re juggling school or work, being physically active is like giving your brain a magic potion for better focus, attention, and supercharged brainpower!

Improve your Mental Health

Improve your Mental Health

Let’s see how moving your body can be a superhero against inflammation and mental health challenges!

Imagine inflammation as a troublemaker associated with feelings of sadness, anxiety and stress. well guess what? Exercise, walks in the open air and physical movement are like heroes that create a shield against inflammation in your body and brain, making you feel better mentally.

Improve your Mental Health

Now, think about those fat cells – having too many of them can lead to health risks like diabetes and other serious problems. They also contribute to inflammation, which can lead to cardiovascular problems, arthritis, depression, Alzheimer’s and even cancer. But here’s the cool thing: When you move and exercise, it’s like sending a superhero squad to shred those fat cells, reducing the risk of chronic inflammation.

So, by staying active, you’re not only helping your body look and feel good, but you’re also fighting inflammation and boosting your mental health. It’s a win-win for your body and mind!

Some other small benefits of moving your body:

Some other small benefits of moving your body:

  • Better ability to burn fat and lose weight
  • healthy muscles
  • Stronger bones and better joints
  • stimulates the immune system
  • reduced feelings of anxiety or depression
  • maintain a healthy metabolism
  • pain reduction

Ways to move your body this year:

Ways to Move Your Body this Year:

Research says that exercising for 30-60 minutes 3-5 times a week gives your brain a happiness boost. You don’t need to do anything fancy – just activities that are easy to do around you and get your heart rate up.

Ways to move your body this year:

Now, here’s the golden rule: start slow and go at your own pace. Think about what you enjoy, how much you move now, and what keeps you motivated. Remember, “Slow and steady wins the race”. You have to move slowly and steadily. Don’t stop or quit.

Ways to move your body this year:

But here’s the real secret: The best exercise is one you enjoy and can stick to. You are the boss of your exercise plan. Do it alone, with friends, or with new friends. Inside or outside – you choose. So, make it yours and spread the good feelings!

Ways to move your body this year:

Now that you’ve got the inside scoop, here are some easy and enjoyable ways to stay active daily. I’m giving these a go in my own life too, aiming for a super healthy report next time around!

Some Easy and Enjoyable ways to stay active:

  • Try to use stairs instead of lifts as much as possible. Start from one floor, if not more.
  • Walk around the neighborhood, and try to walk barefoot on the grass. Use a Fitbit, or watch, to count your steps each day as you try to hit 10,000 steps.
  • Get up from your desk 2-3 times a day and take a walk around the building for some rest. And try to sit with your back straight
  • Ways to move your body this year:
  • Choose something of your choice, be it indoor dance or fitness class, basic yoga or exercise or even swimming. Dancing – a great way to move the body.
  • You don’t have to do the same thing over and over again every week – mix it up with a little outdoor walking, yoga or swimming, or change where you exercise.
  • Play any outdoor sport that always inspires you.Ways to move your body this year:
  • Play with your kids or pets
  • Try to do as much of your household work yourself as possible, such as dusting, sweeping, mopping, etc.
  • Find the bicycle route and run it. Be sure to follow bicycle safety rules, bring a friend with you if you’re going on a long ride, and always wear your helmet.



In the end, what you want every day to be is up to you. You want to spend your whole day and your precious time sitting in a chair or lying in bed, inviting diseases. Or you want to spend an energetic and healthy time by doing some light exercise. All this is in your hands. It is not just about exercise, walking or body movement; It’s about giving yourself the gift of overall better health. You don’t need to overdo anything – just add small fun activities into your daily routine and watch the magic happen.


Now, it’s your time to shine! Start making movement a regular part of your life for your family, friends, and most importantly yourself.


Stand up and show yourself that you are ready for a more active and healthy life. Your body will thank you, and you’ll feel fantastic!

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