Making money

How to earn money online

From the age when a person gains consciousness, the first objective of every person is to earn money or a lot of money. This is the only objective in his mind day and night, everything else becomes secondary. The good news is today we have a choice to earn money online but the question is, how?

Personal Experience:

Before learning how to earn money online I wanted to share my personal experience. Because this is related to me to some extent. I am associated with the Design sector. For the last several days I have been under stress and tension. Actually, many employees from my company have been laid off due to the recession. And my name was also included in that list. However, I have full confidence in my abilities and experience and am confident that I will find a new job soon. But, here the point is about the stress or pain that comes from the fear of losing the job. There are many other employees like me who might be going through this pain.


Need Money


If we talk about the recession of 2008 (, at that time many multinational companies ( crisis-review.asp) were greatly reduced and many were closed. All the employees working in them went home immediately. In many homes, the household is running on the income of only one person, so the situation in that home would be one of extreme restlessness and worry. This situation focuses everyone’s attention on earning money online.

Importance of electronic devices:

In the new era, everyone, whether young or old, is connected to new technology, whether it is a  smartphone, laptop or tablet. And most of them are also connected to social media. We can use these electronic devices very well for our entertainment as well as to earn money. Wanting money is not only a need but also a right of everyone. And it is not wrong to say that in today’s time, making money online is neither very difficult nor easy, you just have to work continuously with patience. You have the flexibility to decide whether you want to do this as a full-time commitment or part-time, right from your home. The choice is entirely yours.

How to make money online:

There are many ways to earn money online, some of which are as follows.


People doing Freelance work at home

Freelance Work

Freelance work is a kind of complete independent project which you undertake only for yourself from the direct client and the direct payment comes to your account from the client. Even if you are working in a company, you can pick up online projects and do them at home in your free time. Thousands of such projects are available online based on different talents. You just have to find projects according to your talent. In fact, there are many websites online that provide jobs. Examples include: Upwork,, Fiverr, 99designs, Toptal, SimplyHired, Guru, Flexjobs, PeoplePerHour, TaskRabbit, ServiceScape etc.


posting blog


Nowadays writing blogs is very popular, perhaps because it is very easy and also liked a lot. Even many housewives and old people are writing blogs on daily cooking, and they are really very interesting too. Apart from this, traveling blogs, food blogs, shopping tips blogs, and unboxing product blogs are popular people enjoy reading them.

Many people post their blogs by giving reviews of movies, books, and even novels. You can choose any topic, of your, you can earn money online by writing interesting and informative blogs. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have anything to sell. Once you get some amount of traffic on your website you can become an affiliate marketer and refer your readers to genuine products. The affiliate market is booming nowadays. Many companies are choosing an option to sell their product through affiliate marketing and are growing their businesses very rapidly.


Online Testing Website and Mobile app

Test websites and mobile apps

Another way to earn money online is that you can earn by giving your opinion about any website or mobile app. Reviews have to be given on the functionality of any website or mobile app, its benefits or it is not working properly. To accept your reviews, you have to take an online test which is very simple, then you are paid based on the type of test. A website like is a good example of this.


Online survey

Take Online Survey for Money

Believe it or not, money can be earned these days by giving surveys on online websites. However, there is not much earning by doing this. Many companies also offer gift cards or coupons in exchange for money. Websites like Swagbucks and Survey Junkie are famous examples of online survey websites. Just keep in mind that good money can be earned from surveys on many good brands. Even some popular brands offer sign-up bonuses.


Influencers making money


Nowadays, many companies choose new people to represent their products who are constantly active or have followers on social platforms like Instagram, YouTube or TikTok. Such people are called influencers.

For example, if you like beauty products or are interested in fitness, or you like wearing new clothes and doing fashion iconography and modeling. You just have to focus on your strengths and choose a niche that allows you to showcase those strengths. Once you’ve chosen your niche, it’s time to perform in front of an audience. You can post that performance on social media in the form of a reel or in the form of a blog. When they drive traffic and people like them, good brands offer you to represent their products and you get a good opportunity to earn money by promoting their products.


Making youtube videos

YouTube channel

Creating your own YouTube channel is also a wonderful choice. Whatever subject you have knowledge of, just start making videos and upload them on your channel in the form of teaching. You can also share your bad and good experiences and challenges with your audience. If people like your content and your number of views grows you will start earning money through monetized ads and many different ways.

One popular way to make money is to add Adsense to your videos. Every time someone clicks on your ad, YouTuber earns a percentage of money when someone buys.

You can also make unboxing videos of any product and share your personal experience of how the product is worth or not. If it’s a good product you think, you can mention the website link on your channel so people can buy it. You can make some profit from this process.


Twitch gaming

Twitch channel

Twitch allows gamers and other creators to live stream their content. If you have a steady following on Twitch, a favorite site for gamers. Gaming can be a good way to make money from home. Streamers can receive donations from viewers, and also a share of subscription and advertising revenue if they reach affiliate or partner status.


Dropshipping business


Dropshipping business allows you to sell a product online without holding stock and without a store. Using a drop shipping website, your customers can make a purchase from your online store by viewing product photos and reading product descriptions. Which are then sent directly from your supplier to your customer. To make money, you charge your supplier a little more and keep the commission. Before diving into the world of dropshipping business, make sure you thoroughly research the product you want to sell. And remember you will need to plan on purchasing the product from two to three wholesalers. This is because many times the product with particular demand is not available with any one wholesaler. There are many issues of fraud surrounding the dropshipping business, so always proceed with caution and alertness.

Somethings to remember:

  • When making money online, remember to be wary of fraudulent websites and companies.
  • You can thoroughly research any website or mobile app and read their reviews, disclaimers, and comments before registering.
  • Always be more careful when sharing your personal information online.
  • Remember to read the details of any contract given to you carefully before signing any document.
  • If a website demands long hours or excessive changes, but does not pay you much in compensation, then try to avoid such fraudulent companies.

To sum up, making money online can give you freedom from a regular job and independent control over your creativity. You can choose your topic according to your hobbies or likes it’s completely up to you. Thousands of people make money every day, and you can also do it. However, to earn money online, you have to establish an online presence and market yourself or your product.

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