Home Remedies for Insomnia

Home Remedies for Insomnia

Hello Friends, in recent times, I have been suffering from an ongoing insomnia problem, which is also making me feel unusually restless. While occasional tossing and turning at night is normal, several consecutive sleepless nights may indicate a potentially serious condition. It is quite common for people to find themselves in this difficult situation, which highlights how widespread insomnia has become in our fast-paced modern lifestyles. So, to the point, today’s topic is to get rid of my own problem Insomnia. That is why today we will talk openly about Home Remedies for Insomnia, why insomnia occurs, and how it can be avoided, apart from this we will discuss how the increasing problem of insomnia can be cured with natural and home remedies.

What is Insomnia?

What is Insomnia?

Well, before knowing about home remedies for insomnia, it is very important for us to know what is insomnia? Actually, insomnia is a common sleep disorder. Insomnia is when you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, and it can be short-term hiccups or long-term problems. Short-term insomnia lasts from one night to a few weeks, often caused by stress or an upsetting event. Chronic insomnia, on the other hand, ranges from at least three nights a week to several nights a week for three months or more.

Having trouble sleeping not only makes you feel tired but it can also mess with your mood, health, work, and overall happiness. We all know that we are all different from each other, so the amount of sleep we require is also different, but most adults aim to sleep 6 to 7 hours a night.

2 Many people usually go through short-term insomnia

Many people usually go through short-term insomnia due to stress or difficult times. However, some people struggle with long-term insomnia, lasting a month or longer. It may be an isolated issue or be associated with other health problems or medications.

Guess what? Well, now you don’t have to toss and turn during sleepless nights! Just by making small changes to your daily routine and trying some of my recommended home remedies for insomnia, you can make a significant difference. Hoping for a good night’s sleep!

Types of Insomnia

Types of Insomnia:

Before knowing about the causes of insomnia, let’s take a look at its different types. Understanding the type of problem or disease helps us figure out why it happens, and how it can be cured. It’s like solving a puzzle – you have to know all the aspects! There is a saying that if you want to cure a problem or disease, you have to know it from the inside – its types, symptoms and what are its causes. And here’s a little secret: A positive attitude can work wonders for even the most difficult problems!

There are two types of insomnia:

There are two types of insomnia:

primary and secondary. This is similar to the two main types of sleep problems.

Primary insomnia occurs when sleep problems stand on their own like a solo act. This means that your sleep problems are not associated with any other health condition or problem.

Secondary insomnia, on the other hand, is like a tag-along; It may be caused by other things, such as health problems or medications. Consider this as if you are having trouble sleeping because of a health condition (such as asthma, depression, arthritis, cancer, or heartburn); Pain; Medicine; or substance use (such as alcohol, smoking, tobacco and illegal drugs etc).

So, it’s like understanding whether sleep troubles are the main character or just a sidekick in the bedtime story!

Main causes of insomnia

Main Causes of Insomnia:

Insomnia can be a major issue on its own or may occur in conjunction with other problems. If it persists for a long time, we call it chronic insomnia. This type usually appears due to stress, life events, or habits that disturb your sleep. Fixing the main problem can help get rid of insomnia, but sometimes it decides to stick around for a long time.

Some common causes of primary insomnia are:



When it comes to stress, the first thing to lose is your sleep. Thinking excessively or deeply about major life events – such as losing or changing jobs, the death of a loved one, going through a divorce, or moving to a new place. Additionally, today’s youth are so lost in the blur of social media that they break down so quickly over the smallest of things and easily become victims of stress. These major events can stir up a lot of emotions and make it hard to catch those Zs at night. It’s like your brain is working overtime and the result? A restless night’s sleep.

Disturbed environment

Disturbed Environment

Imagine this: You’re trying to catch some Zs, but everything around you is causing a commotion. Maybe it’s the noise, it’s too loud, or the temperature is messing with you. All of these things can disrupt your sleep, making it feel like a challenge to drift off into dreamland. So, when your surroundings are not going well, a peaceful night’s sleep can turn into a bit of a struggle.

Change in Daily Routine

Change in Daily Routine

Imagine this: Your sleep routine is like a delicate dance, and suddenly, something throws it off balance. This could be from traveling to different time zones, starting a new work shift, or adopting some bad habits. For example, today’s youth spend hours late at night on mobile phones or social media, causing a kind of modern jet lag. These changes can disrupt your normal sleep patterns, making it a little more difficult to have a steady and restful night. It’s a bit like trying to dance to a new beat when you’re used to a different one!

Genetic Issue

Genetic Issue

It turns out that your genes may have a hand in your sleep story. Research suggests that the habit of insomnia may be a familial affair, running in families as a shared trait. So, if you find yourself tossing and turning at night, you may want to check if this is part of a family tradition!

Some common causes of Secondary insomnia are:

Remedies for Insomnia

Home Remedies for Insomnia:

Well, so far, we have covered all about insomnia – what it is, its different types, and what are its causes. Now, let’s switch gears and consider some natural and home remedies to cure insomnia. Now is the time to find some home remedies to overcome this sleep challenge and get relief without medicines. Are you ready to find simple and effective solutions to say goodbye to insomnia? Let’s do it!

Hot Milk

Hot Milk

You must have seen your elders drinking hot milk before sleeping. Turns out, it’s not just an old tradition — there are some good reasons behind it. Drinking a glass of warm milk at night is like giving strength to your body. This is an easy and accessible solution. This bedtime ritual isn’t just about tradition; This really could be a game-changer for improving your sleep quality.

Milk comes with its own sleep-inducing magic. So, if you’re aiming for a better night’s sleep, warm milk may be suitable for you. Now, we understand that not everyone is a fan of plain milk. No worries, you can make it spicy! Add flavourings such as green cardamom, cinnamon, or, in colder climates, ginger or honey. These adulterations not only make the milk taste better, but they also bring their own benefits. Honey and ginger are the tag-team to keep you warm and ward off the cold. What else? Green cardamom has the natural ability to thin human blood. So, it’s not just about taste; It’s a delightful package of taste and health benefits!

Indian Ginseng (Ashwagandha)

Indian Ginseng (Ashwagandha)

Let’s talk about a powerhouse herb known as Indian Ginseng or Ashwagandha. This powerful herb is like a health superhero, packed with lots of good stuff. Now, here’s the interesting part – Ashwagandha isn’t just a regular herb; It is often seen as a remedy to deal with insomnia i.e. disturbing sleep problems.

Here is the information: Take one-fourth teaspoon of Ashwagandha root powder and mix it with a cup of warm milk. If you have a sweet tooth, feel free to add some sugar, jaggery, or honey to make it more delicious. Consuming this magical mixture could be your ticket to a good night’s sleep. It’s like a bedtime ritual that not only tastes good but also helps you drift off to dreamland effortlessly. So, why not try it and let the magic of Ashwagandha work wonders on your sleep!

Ashwagandha is not just a trick

Ashwagandha is not just a trick; It’s like a multitasking magician in the herbal world. Apart from being a sleep saver, it also helps deal with many other issues.

First of all, it is a blood sugar manager, which helps keep those levels under control. Again, it plays the role of a memory booster, helping you remember things more clearly. For boys, Ashwagandha plays a role in increasing fertility, giving a boost in that department. And that’s not all – it’s an expert at reducing inflammation, calming things down in your body.

So, consider Ashwagandha as your all-round health friend, which addresses various concerns and makes life a little better in various ways. It’s like having a superhero herb in the corner of your kitchen, ready to take on many challenges!

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile Tea

Let’s talk about a herbal tea: chamomile tea. This soothing tea is not only warm and comforting; It comes with a lot of health benefits. Inside, there are these good things called flavonoids — they’re like little helpers with superpowers.

These flavonoids in chamomile tea are like secretory agents that can interact with specific brain receptors. When they do their job, they help you get peaceful sleep. That’s why sipping chamomile tea is often touted as a natural remedy for getting quality shut-eye.

have a cup of hot chamomile tea

Imagine this: You’re relaxed, ready to hit the hay, and have a cup of hot chamomile tea in your hand. It’s not just about feeling comfortable; It’s like a gentle invitation to a better night’s sleep. So, why not give it a try and let the magic of chamomile lull you into a deep and restful sleep!

Cut fresh chamomile flowers, wash them in hot water, dry them, and store them in an air-tight container. Boil a handful of dried flowers well in a cup of water and keep it covered for 5 minutes. Now strain it and pour it into a teacup, and enjoy your delicious chamomile tea! You can also add some mint leaves for taste.



In the kitchen of most of our homes, you will find cinnamon as a common spice, which is sprinkled in various dishes for added flavor. Of which cinnamon rolls are very tasty for me too. but guess what? This spice doesn’t just make your food delicious; In fact, it is also very beneficial for your health.

Here’s a simple trick before bedtime: Add a little, about a quarter teaspoon, of cinnamon powder to a warm glass of milk. And if you have a sweet tooth, add a little honey or jaggery for a delightful taste. Consuming this relaxing blend before bed could be your secret weapon to a good night’s sleep. It is like a sweet and spicy lullaby that helps transport you to dreamland. So, why not give it a try and let the cinnamon-filled magic work its magic on your sleep routine!



As we descend into the world of deep and refreshing sleep, an essential factor comes to the fore – the remarkable effect of a good foot and head massage. It is like the silent hero of relaxation, ready to take you to the realm of peace.

Massage isn’t just about loosening tight muscles; This has the potential to have a profound impact on sleep quality. In a recent study published in Menopause in 2022 , researchers observed 70 postmenopausal women. People who received a 20-minute foot massage daily for a week reported an extra hour of sleep per night compared to the control group.

The benefits don’t stop there. It has been observed that back massage improves sleep in cancer patients. In addition to aiding sleep, massage has also been found to be helpful in reducing stress hormones, lowering blood pressure, regulating pulse rate, and reducing symptoms of anxiety.

Here's the secret The effectiveness of massage

Here’s the secret: The effectiveness of massage, whether performed by you or someone else, shines most when integrated into a regular bedtime routine. As one expert said, “Massage is beneficial in itself, but it becomes even more powerful when it becomes part of the healing process. Whether it’s a spontaneous daytime massage or a deliberate night-time ritual, Its power is undeniable.” So, in pursuit of a good night’s sleep, a well-timed massage can be the key to unlocking relaxation and ensuring sweet dreams.

Pick any oil you like for a foot or head massage – basics like coconut or mustard oil work great. But lots of folks enjoy oils with special scents, like Lavender, Chamomile, Marjoram, Neroli, Sandalwood, Clary Sage, and Rose. These oils don’t just feel nice; they smell amazing and add a little extra something to your relaxation time. Whether you prefer simple or fragrant, it’s all about what makes you feel good!

Some little tips for better sleep

Some little tips for better sleep:

  • Avoid taking naps during the day.
  • Practice mindfulness meditation.
  • Include basic yoga or exercise in your daily routine.
  • Stay away from screens, laptops, cell phones, and TV at least an hour before bedtime.
  • Say no to caffeinated beverages, alcohol, and cigarettes before going to bed.
  • Avoid eating big meals late at night.
  • Take a warm bath or shower about 1.5 hours before bed.
  • Establish a consistent bedtime routine, going to bed and waking up at the same time every day,
    even on weekends.
  • Resist the urge to check the clock frequently.

Bottom line

Bottom line

In a nutshell, insomnia is a common problem today, affecting about a third of adults at one point or another. There are many things you can try to improve your sleep, but it’s important to talk to your doctor if you’re already taking medication for sleep or high blood pressure.

If your busy lifestyle makes it difficult for you to get enough sleep, then try the above-mentioned home remedies. Even, I am using these remedies daily and I am getting immense benefit from it. Additionally, maintaining a sleep schedule and reducing screen time before bed can definitely help.

sleep problems affect your daily life,

But, if sleep problems affect your daily life, it is important to contact your healthcare provider. If you have difficulty sleeping regularly, it may be a sign of a sleep disorder, and it is important to get a proper diagnosis from your doctor.

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