Home Remedies for Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

Home Remedies for Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

High Blood Pressure or Hypertension is something that even children know about these days. It is so common that almost every family deals with it. The difficult thing is that despite being so widespread, the problems it causes are not easy to handle. If I talk about my own home, in my own home, two members of the family are facing the challenge of High Blood Pressure or Hypertension. Today, I got the idea to write about “Home Remedies for Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)” from a conversation with my friend’s mother “All those medications make me anxious, and seeing so many medications makes me nervous,” she said. This made a deep impact on me and I decided to learn about Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) and find some natural and home remedies to deal with it.

2 The plan is to keep things simple and unique

The plan is to keep things simple and unique, to make it easier for anyone feeling overwhelmed by the thought of taking too many medications.

Let’s dive in!

To know how to treat high blood pressure at home, let’s figure out what it is. We need to understand what Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) is, what are its symptoms and what are its causes. Once we understand all this, we can discuss home remedies for high blood pressure.

What is Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)?

What is Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)?

Well, let us understand the information about high blood pressure in a simple and unique way:

Imagine your body’s arteries as roads, and Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) is like the traffic on those roads being a little out of control. They even have a special name for it – HYPERTENSION. When you have this, it means that the blood is pushing too much pressure on the walls of the artery, causing the heart to work extra hard to keep things going.

To put it another way, think of it as your blood moving around your body like a superhero. But sometimes, it gets too excited and hits the walls of your body too hard – that’s high blood pressure.

3 This pressure or speed of blood is measured in millimetres of mercury

This pressure or speed of blood is measured in millimeters of mercury, and if it consistently remains more than 130/80, then they call it high blood pressure. Now, to keep it simple, they’ve broken down this pressing thing into categories. If it is around 120/80, it is like the traffic flow is smooth – this is normal. But if it is more than 180/120, it is like a traffic emergency! That’s when you need to call for medical help as soon as possible.

If you don’t get high blood pressure treated, it’s like letting traffic chaos cause bigger problems like accidents. This can increase the chances of serious health problems like heart attack or stroke. So, it is a good idea to check your blood pressure from time to time, especially if you are 24-25 years of age or older.

So, in summary, check your blood pressure, stay healthy, and if things get too crazy, get some help! Easy, right?

Symptoms of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure):

Symptoms of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure):

Sure, let’s break it down:

Therefore, when it comes to high blood pressure, most people do not notice any specific signs. It’s like a ninja sneaking in without making any fuss. But if it gets really high, it can give you a headache, make your vision a little blurry, or cause dizziness and chest pain.

Now, the good step here is to check your blood pressure. It’s like using a special spy tool to see if that ninja is around or not. Why? Because if you leave high blood pressure alone, it can invite some troubles – like kidney disease, cardiovascular problems, or even stroke. Which is no fun at all!

Symptoms of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure):

People with very high blood pressure (usually 150/120 or higher) may often experience the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty Breathing
  • Strange Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Pain in the Chest
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Blurred vision
  • Worry
  • Bleeding Nose
  • Abnormal Heartbeat

If you are experiencing any of these signs then you should take steps to fix it immediately. Many natural herbs and spices are often found in our home kitchens, so let’s highlight some natural home remedies, and let these medicinal health heroes called natural herbs do their work! Easy, right?

Causes of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure):

Causes of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure):

OK, let’s make it simple and easy:

Think of blood pressure as a superhero team-up between the heart and arteries. It depends on two things: how much the heart pumps and how fast the blood flows through the body’s roads (arteries). If the heart pumps too hard and the passageways are narrow, the pressure increases.

Now, sometimes, we don’t know why it happens – it’s like a mystery. It can also be due to family things (genetics) or things around you (environment). It’s like a little puzzle that we’re still solving.

Causes of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure):

A few things and factors can complicate this puzzle, increasing the likelihood of high blood pressure. The list of those things and reasons is as follows:

  • Illegal drugs, such as Cocaine and Amphetamines
  • Kidney Disease
  • Thyroid Problems
  • Sedentary Lifestyle
  • Tension
  • Salt Sensitivity
  • Obesity
  • Potassium Deficiency
  • Vitamin D Deficiency
  • Excessive Alcohol Consumption
  • Ageing
  • Diabetes
  • Disrupted Sleep Patterns
  • Eating foods containing high Fructose Corn Syrup.

Home Remedies for Hypertension

Home Remedies for Hypertension (High Blood Pressure):

If your blood pressure is high, you may be thinking about using medication to lower it. But the way you live is really important to deal with high blood pressure. And along with a healthy life, some natural and home remedies are in front of you. Choosing a healthy lifestyle and “Home Remedies for Hypertension” can help avoid, delay, or reduce the need for medication.

Here are some home remedies that you can do to lower your blood pressure and ensure that it remains at a good level.

Reduce Sodium (Salt) Intake

Reduce Sodium (Salt) Intake

First of all, Reducing salt intake can prove to be very important in controlling your blood pressure. Too much salt causes your body to retain excess fluid, which increases blood pressure. You are advised to consume half a tablespoon of salt throughout the day. Instead of salt, try using herbs and spices for flavor, and be careful of processed foods, as they often contain high levels of salt. Although studies link high salt intake to blood pressure problems, the relationship is not clear due to genetic differences.

Reduce Sodium (Salt) Intake

If you already have high blood pressure, reducing the salt found in abundance in processed foods may be beneficial. As experts suggest, aim for 2,100 mg or less, as it can have a significant impact on blood pressure. Choosing alternatives such as potassium chloride may help, and within 10-14 days of adjustment, you may find some foods taste too salty. Reducing your daily salt intake from 3,200 to 2,100 mg can reduce blood pressure by 2-3 mmHg, and limiting it to 1,300 mg can reduce blood pressure by 5-6 mmHg. An excellent reason to cut down on salt! Isn’t this amazing?

Moving your body and controlling your weight

Moving Your Body and Controlling Your Weight

It is undoubtedly true that being active is an important part of a healthy life. Regular exercise not only helps reduce blood pressure, but it also improves your mood. Strengthens your body and improves balance or controls your weight. It also reduces the risk of diabetes and various heart diseases. If you’re inactive, start with a safe exercise routine. Start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and frequency. Here I advise all of you to read the book “Atomic Habit” written by James Clear. Which helps in gradually forming good habits.

You don’t need a gym – try outdoor activities like a long brisk walk, jogging or swimming. The main thing is to keep going! Incorporate muscle-strengthening activities, like lifting weights or doing push-ups, 2-3 times a week. Regular exercise makes your heart stronger and more efficient, reducing pressure in your arteries. Just 30 minutes of brisk walking a day can lower blood pressure, and adding some basic yoga or exercise brings even more benefits.

Moving your body and controlling your weight

Aim for 30-45 minutes of moderate activity per day. Exercise can reduce high blood pressure by 5 to 8 mm Hg and help prevent it from becoming hypertensive. Examples of good exercises include walking, jogging, bicycling, playing with your pet or children, swimming or dancing. Strength training exercises at least twice a week are also beneficial. If your BMI is 25 or higher, losing 5-10 pounds can help lower blood pressure. Find something you enjoy doing, which will make the routine easier to follow and keep you motivated to stay active.

Increase Your Intake of Potassium-Rich Foods

Increase Your Intake of Potassium-Rich Foods

Potassium is an extremely important mineral that helps balance sodium levels in your body and reduce pressure on blood vessels. Unfortunately, the specially processed foods in today’s diet often contain too much sodium and not enough potassium. To improve this balance, focus on reducing processed foods and switching to fresh, whole options.

Include potassium-rich foods like green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, melons, bananas, avocados, oranges, apricots, milk (without cream), and homemade yogurt. Additionally, tuna, salmon, whole grains, seeds, and beans are also good sources. opt for freshly prepared food whenever possible, and avoid stale or refrigerated food more than 12 hours old. Giving preference to fruits and vegetables rich in potassium can help reduce blood pressure.

Green and Oolong Tea

Green and Oolong Tea

Tea, especially Green and Oolong varieties, offers potential health benefits for managing high blood pressure. It has been suggested that regular consumption of green tea (unfermented) and oolong tea (partially fermented) may reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure. Oolong tea, falling between black and green tea, is known for containing moderate amounts of caffeine. This is the reason why the emphasis has been laid on the consumption of this tea.

Green tea in particular is believed to provide immediate relief from high blood pressure. It’s easy to make – just add a teaspoon of green tea leaves or a tea bag to a mug of hot water. Let it boil on low flame for a few minutes and then filter it and drink it sip by sip. You can customize your tea by adding honey, jaggery, or lemon juice to increase the taste. This home remedy is especially comforting in cold weather.

So, a simple cup of green tea can be not only a pleasurable beverage but also a potential ally in managing blood pressure.

Hibiscus Fruit (Calyx)Tea

Hibiscus Fruit (Calyx)Tea

One study found that the fruit of the hibiscus plant called the Calyx, may help reduce blood pressure. Making hibiscus fruit tea can be a positive option for managing high blood pressure. Made from caffeine-free hibiscus fruits, this herbal tea has a beautiful red color and a flavor reminiscent of blackberries.

Making hibiscus tea is simple. First, wash the calyces, let them air dry, and then crush them into a fine powder. Keep this powder in an air-tight container. Now let one teaspoon of powder boil well in a mug of water for a few minutes. If necessary, you can enhance the taste by adding honey, jaggery, or lemon juice to the hibiscus mixture. Your tea is now ready to serve hot or cold. Enjoy the potential benefits of this natural hibiscus tea as a refreshing and blood pressure-friendly beverage.

Pay attention, the color of the tea may change as soon as lemon juice is added, so don’t worry.



Ginger root, which is often used in Asian cooking, may be beneficial for blood circulation by relaxing the muscles around blood vessels. Making home remedies with lemon and ginger can be helpful in controlling high blood pressure. Lemon ginger tea is easy to make – simply grate lemon and ginger and boil them together in water. If you are fond of eating sweets then you can add honey or jaggery to it for additional taste.

Another option is to add a few grated pieces of ginger to your regular black tea. It not only smells wonderful but also enhances the taste of your tea. However, it is important to note that more extensive human studies are needed to fully understand the extent of the benefits of these home remedies on human health. As a result, it is advised to use these home remedies with caution until further research is done.



Garlic is an ingredient commonly found in every kitchen. Daily use of garlic can be a great home remedy for high blood pressure. Studies indicate that garlic may have hypotensive effects, meaning it may help lower blood pressure. Garlic contains the magic element allicin, which is responsible for its distinctive smell and health benefits. Daily use of garlic is believed to promote nitric oxide production, which relaxes smooth muscles and dilates blood vessels.

Various forms of garlic, such as garlic pearls or aged garlic extract supplements, may provide benefits for high blood pressure. Garlic isn’t just a heart-healthy choice; It may also act as a prebiotic, promoting a diverse and rich microbial environment in the gut.


In particular, garlic extract has shown promising results by not only reducing elevated cholesterol levels but also by addressing artery stiffness and preventing the blood from becoming too ‘sticky’. Although garlic appears to be a natural and accessible remedy, it is always best to consult a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your health routine.

Chewing a clove of raw garlic with a glass of lukewarm water twice a week and taking it in the morning on an empty stomach is very beneficial. But for many of us, it is very difficult to chew raw garlic. Therefore, include an appropriate amount of garlic in your daily diet.

Eat a piece of Dark Chocolate

Eat a piece of Dark Chocolate

Means dark chocolate, which usually has a cocoa content of 70% to 85%, and cocoa contains flavonoids – an antioxidant known for its ability to lower blood pressure. These flavonoids work by widening your blood vessels. Although it is generally safe to enjoy dark chocolate in small amounts, this amount is not enough to lower blood pressure. But it is also true that including a little something regularly in your diet every day can be beneficial.

It is important to take care of the overall composition of chocolate, as varieties with high sugar, fat or calories may not contribute positively to your health. Therefore, moderation and choosing dark chocolate with higher cocoa content may be a better option for those seeking potential health benefits.

Some more tips to lower your blood pressure:

Some more tips to lower your Blood Pressure:

  • Cut off your smoke and Limit your alcohol
  • Reduce stress
  • Drinking lots of Water
  • Cut on Caffeine
  • Reduce the intake of sugar and processed carbohydrates
  • Get enough sleep, a deep and sound sleep
  • Try meditation or deep breathing

Bottom Line:

Bottom Line:

Finally, over the past several years, our understanding of high blood pressure has changed greatly. You may be more likely to get it as you age. High blood pressure is tricky — it’s affected by both your genes and the world around you.

The difficult thing is that some people do not even know that they have this disease because its symptoms are often not visible. But don’t worry, it can be detected in time with regular check-ups and talking to your doctor.

Making small changes to your lifestyle and diet and taking the right medications can reduce the chances of bad things happening due to high blood pressure. To help, you can also use some of the simple remedies given above at home.

If you find out you have high blood pressure, work with your doctor to create a plan just for you. High blood pressure can cause other health problems, but you can often control it with exercise, good eating habits, stress management, and other tips.

Bottom Line:

If home remedies aren’t working or your blood pressure is still too high, it’s time to visit your doctor. They can figure out what’s best for you. Get your body checked from time to time and stay healthy!

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